What Sets Us Apart
Your company is unique – so we understand that what might work for another organization may not work for yours. What sets us apart is our expertise to design an insurance program tailored to your needs today allowing the flexibility to grow with you.
What differentiates our company is the depth of internal resources we have to assist our clients the successful management of their programs. From experienced claim experts, licensed nurse field case managers, vocational rehabilitation specialists, nurse audit specialists, billing analysts and board-certified medical directors, the FDI Group brings an unparalleled level of expertise in the fields of claims management, medical cost containment, and systems technology. One important distinction in our product delivery system is that our team members are readily accessible and willing to meet with their clients “face to face” as often as necessary. We believe it is important to understand our clients’ expectations and business philosophy in order to serve them effectively.
We continually look at ways to innovate, improve business efficiency, increase value we provide to clients and to draw on our core values to make a meaningful difference. We have designed and are actively implementing a long-term plan focusing on both technology and human capital to position our company as an industry leader in a variety of insurance services.
The question becomes “Who sets the standards?” At CompOne, we think the answer is clear…the customer. It isn’t enough to meet our own internal standards because we believe that true quality isn’t achieved until we exceed our customers’ ideals.
It’s doing things right the first time – on time – with accuracy and consistency. At CompOne, we strive to understand our clients’ business objectives and incorporate them into our own strategy.
We talk face-to-face with our customers about their issues. Information can be passed in many forms, but communication comes from a familiarity that is achieved with time and effort.
We concentrate on accurately identifying and adequately meeting our customer’s expectations. We pride ourselves in taking the time to ask the important questions and pay close attention to detail when it comes to each individual client’s needs.